Monday, March 31, 2008

Saturday 3/29 and Monday 3/31

I was going to pull on Friday, but I woke up with a pretty stiff back and decided against it. Did some mobility work instead, and had a massage later in the day. I felt immeasurably better afterwards.

Saturday - Upper body

Inside-Out Warm-up

Band-assisted chins, 2x6, 1x5

Bench Press, 2x5@185
Pathetically weak, I know. This was the first time I've had more than 135 on the bar since August, though, and it felt ok. The pec is getting better, although I'm tempted to run a cycle in the 3x8-12 range to re-develop the connective tissue. We'll see how things progress.

Inverted Rows, 2x10, 1x9

Blue band pressdowns, 3x25

DB Bicep Curls, 2x8@40

Monday 3/31

Best workout in a long time; I really feel like I'm making progress with my movement quality in the lower body. Here's the workout:

M2 Warm-up

Hip activation circuit

Front Squats
, 3x185, 205 and 225

I've totally re-worked my squat pattern and it feels much better. The weights aren't where they need to be, but they will come. The most important thing right now is that I'm moving in a pain-free and efficient manner. That's definitely the case.

RDL's, 6@245, 6@265

These felt good today

DB Step-ups, 3x8@50

Glute-Hams, 3x8

These are coming around as well - I need to start moving the plate in and see where I'm really at, though.

All in all, really good workouts. The diet isn't going poorly, either; I'll give an update later this week.

Stay strong