Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tuesday 4/1 and Thursday 4/3

Tuesday - 1 hour Krav Maga L-1 class

So I did something completely impulsive this past week and joined a Krav Maga facility here in Indy. The thinking was two-fold:

1 - I hate cardio, and anything that gets me near lactic acid build-up. So, I decided at least if I was going to be pissed off I could take it out on a pad, heavy bag, etc.

2 - Self-defense skillz probably aren't a bad thing ;)

So I took the class and thought I was going to black out within 20 minutes. Seriously. I'm so ATP-CP dominant it's ridiculous. I made it through with only a few minors scrapes and bruises, though, so I consider it a success.

Thursday - Upper body

Good workout today - feeling strong and starting to lean out a bit too. Pretty cool.

I switched up the exercises a bit so some of the weights are a little screwy; I had to figure out where I was at first and foremost.

I/O Warm-up

Supinated grip lat pulldown, 6x170, 2x6@180 superset with
DB Overhead press, 8x40, 45, 50

The OHP felt suprisingly good. Weak, but no pain and starting to get a groove back.

DB Rows, 6x70, 80, 90 superset with
Push-up plus, 3x10

Started off way to light on rows, but I was feeling it by the 3rd set. Serratus was feeling the pluses today!

Decline skullcrushers, 2x10@80 superset with
Preacher curls, 2x6@70

Yes, I did preacher curls. You can only do db curls for so long ;)

Overall, a really good workout. I feel like the body is coming around and I'm gaining momentum towards achieving my goals. Feels good.

Stay strong