Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday - 3/15

Upper body day today. Still feeling the effects of the head cold, so training is slow to get back up to speed. Not a bad day overall, though.

Inside-Out Warm-up

Y and T - 10 each

Push-ups, 3x10 - No pec pain whatsoever and serratus is firing much better. Things are getting back to normal here...

Neutral Grip Chins, 3x5 - Working on full scap depression at mid-point. I'd be good for a lot more reps if it wasn't for that last 3-4 inches!

Bent-Over Face Pulls, 3x10 - These are getting easier; I need to find a way to load more weight.

Street pump superset
Blue Band Pressdowns, 3x20
DB Hammer Curls, 2x8

As I said, nothing too interesting today. Hopefully I'll be close to 100% by Monday.

Stay strong