Two good workouts; here goes.
Friday 3/21 - Upper/lower mix
I had a business meeting on Saturday morning with Bill Hartman and Pat Rigsby so I had to combine these two workouts. Here's what I did:
Sumo speed pulls, 5x1@315, 1@365
Good speed overall; technique improved as the session went on.
Inverted Rows, 3x10 superset with
DB Lunges, 3x8
Flat Bench, 2x10 superset with
Supine Ball Leg Curl, 2x10
Ab Wheel Rollouts, 3x8
I trained with my MMA guy today, so the rest periods weren't quite like I would like. Overall, a good session though.
Monday 3/24 - Squat lower body
Today was my best lower body training session in quite some time. The hips are moving the way I want, now I just need to get the upper body on par as well so I can back squat the way I'd like.
Front squat to 12" box, 3x3
Front squat w/o box, 1x3
I'm squatting below parallel with a nice arch and no compensatory movement at the lumbar spine. This is the first time in quite a while I've been able to do this. I'm going to switch up now and do all my front squatting without a box, as I got a lot better left quad recruitment on that final set.
RDL's, 2x6
DB Step-ups, 3x8
I've been playing around with my propulsion point on this as I outlined in my Bulletproof Knees manual, and I've found I need to drive through the mid/forefoot on the left leg and through the heel on the right. I think my hips are starting to square up nicely and the leg development is becoming more balanced.
Glute-Hams, 3x8
Total session time was around an hour.
I also started the diet today; so far, so good. I'll keep everyone posted on that as we go ;)
Stay strong