Good workout overall. I still haven't licked this mutant cold of mine, so the total volume is pretty low. As I start to come around, though, look for that to go up.
Magnificent Mobility warm-up
Intrinsic Hip Circuit (bridging, psoas holds, external rotation work, etc.)
Front Squats to 13" box, 2x3
RDL's, 2x6
Glute-Ham Raise, 2x6
Step-ups, 2x8
For those of you unaware, I have some lingering crepitation in the left knee. The odd thing is, the crepitation is medial, while the surgery was on the lateral side. Therefore, I've really been working hard on getting full extension/hyperextension back. So far, the crepitation has decreased and quad activation/recruitment has increased, so I think I'm on the right track here. Time will tell...
Stay strong