Friday, May 2, 2008

Training 4/30 and 5/1

Wednesday 4/30

Upper body session

Inside-Out Warm-up

Bench Press, 3x6@195

Still very weak - less weak than last week, though ;) Pec feels good.

DB Rows, 3x6@95

Feet Elevated Push-ups, 2x10

Face Pulls, 3x10

Ab Wheel Rollouts, 3x8

Good workout overall, and I'm really liking the new anterior core work. I've got some good ideas on the topic that I'll be discussing in May, too.

Thursday 5/1

Krav Maga bag class - 1 hour

Another killer. I feel like my round kicks are getting better now, though, so that's always a good thing.

I was supposed to train today but I'm feeling a little under the weather. Several early mornings in a row, not enough sleep, and a lot of things going on will do that to you. I'm going to try and get in a quick vertical push/pull workout tomorrow morning.

Stay strong