Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday 4-28

Lower body day

Magnificent Mobility warm-up

Front Squats, 3x135, 3x185

Just to maintain mobility and warm-up for back squats.

Back Squats, 5x135, 5x225 (18" box), 5x225 (17" box)

Trying to slow work my way down while maintaining good lumbar spine alignment.

RDL's, 2x5@255

These felt great a week or two ago, just so-so today. I didn't feel like pushing them.

DB Lunges, 2x8@50

Glute-Hams, 2x5 at Hole #3

I moved these in and they damn near killed me. 3x6 next week ;)

Krav Maga class tonight, and I'll hit my upper body session on Wednesday.

Stay strong