Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Past couple sessions

It's been a crazy couple of weeks with the seminar last weekend and signing the lease for our new gym! Anyway, here's the training updates:

Thursday 5/15

Krav Maga bag class - 1 hour

Not too bad, and I feel like I'm getting in better shape overall.

Friday 5/16

M2 Warm-up

Intrinsic hip circuit

KB Swings, 10x10 on the minute

I need something quick and dirty today. I was in and out in approximately 20 minutes, so this was perfect. I was swamped.

Tuesday 5/20

M2 Warm-up

Intrinsic hip circuit and TKE's

Box Squats, 5x135, 5x225 (to either a 16 or 17" box, not sure)

Felt good - I wanted to switch back to my Chucks and see how they felt. Overall this felt really good.

Speed Pulls, 2x3@315

Again, in Chucks. First couple sets felt REALLY good.

Glute-Ham Raise, 2x5 at hole #3

Light band tibialis work, 2x10

This was more of a confidence workout than anything else. With the nerve injury from a few weeks ago, I didn't want to push things too much, too soon. We'll see how things progress in the next couple of weeks.

Stay strong