Thursday, May 29, 2008

Training 5/28

Wednesday 5/28
Upper body session and Krav Maga class

Due to my crazy schedule, I had to place these back to back yesterday. I was fine until we had to do a bunch of single-arm stance stuff :(

Inside-Out warm-up

DB Incline, 3x8@70

Supine Row, 8, 7, 6 @185

Face Pulls, 3x8@60

Ab Rollouts, 3x8

No push-ups today as I knew that would be taken care of as part of the class "warm-up" ;)

Stay strong

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Training 5/21

Upper body workout

Inside-Out warm-up

Barbell Incline, 8x135, 145, 155

I was supposed to hit DB work instead, but every clown in the gym was using an incline bench. Not surprisingly, everyone was using it for something OTHER than incline or military pressing.

These didn't feel great at the start as that pec isn't 110% yet, but it got stronger as I went. I'm ok with this for now.

Supine Rows, 1x8, 2x7 @180

It helps when you start at the right weight. Last week the first two sets were easy, today was much more difficult.

Face Pulls, 2x10@60?

Feet Elevated Push-ups, 2x10

Ab Wheel, 3x8

DB Fly EQI, 10# for 60 seconds

Good workout overall. Bodyweight was around 205ish today, so only a few pounds to go.

Stay strong

EDIT: The new automatic save here is pretty sweet. Blogger crashed and I thought I was going to have to re-type it all again. Woo-hoo!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Past couple sessions

It's been a crazy couple of weeks with the seminar last weekend and signing the lease for our new gym! Anyway, here's the training updates:

Thursday 5/15

Krav Maga bag class - 1 hour

Not too bad, and I feel like I'm getting in better shape overall.

Friday 5/16

M2 Warm-up

Intrinsic hip circuit

KB Swings, 10x10 on the minute

I need something quick and dirty today. I was in and out in approximately 20 minutes, so this was perfect. I was swamped.

Tuesday 5/20

M2 Warm-up

Intrinsic hip circuit and TKE's

Box Squats, 5x135, 5x225 (to either a 16 or 17" box, not sure)

Felt good - I wanted to switch back to my Chucks and see how they felt. Overall this felt really good.

Speed Pulls, 2x3@315

Again, in Chucks. First couple sets felt REALLY good.

Glute-Ham Raise, 2x5 at hole #3

Light band tibialis work, 2x10

This was more of a confidence workout than anything else. With the nerve injury from a few weeks ago, I didn't want to push things too much, too soon. We'll see how things progress in the next couple of weeks.

Stay strong

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday 5/14

Upper body session

Inside-Out Warm-up

DB Incline, 8x65, 2x8@70

First time I've done any sort of incline in at least two years. Felt good to do something different, though. I'll probably run this for 3-4 weeks.

Supine Pulldowns, 10x140, 8x160, 8x180

Need to start heavier on these next week. Essentially it's a lat pulldown where you're laying all the way back, so it's technically more of a row.

Face Pulls, 10x42.5, 10x50

Feet Elevated Push-ups, 2x8

Ab Wheel, 2x8
Pallof Presses, 30 sec. with 20#'s

Pretty good workout overall. I needed to get in and out quickly as yesterday was packed! Big updates coming soon...

Tonight I'll hit my Krav Maga bag class, then hit a lower body session tomorrow. I think Bill found the issue in my lower leg; both my lateral gastroc and biceps femoris where they overlap where adhered and probably impinging on my peroneal nerve. A few passes cleaned it right up, and definitely helped improve my knee extension mobility.

I weighed in this morning at 205, so the Warp Speed diet is definitely doing it's job. The goal is to get into the low 200's or hit 200 itself. I don't really have any need or desire to get lower than that.

Stay strong

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Training 5/12

I've continued to give the knee a few days off, and it's feeling close to 100% again. However, over the weekend I was starting to wonder if it was really a knee issue, or if I'd somehow compressed/irritated my politeal nerve. While I was getting some weird sensations in the lateral knee, I was also getting some coldness/tingling in the little toe on that leg. Anyway, I've done my best to stay out of deep knee flexion for a few days and it appears to be healing right up.

I hit the Krav Maga class last night, but this week is going to be somewhat sporadic. I have a massage with a new masseur today, so that's pretty much wiped today's training. The goal for the rest of the week looks like this:

Wed: Upper body
Thu: Lower body/Krav Maga
Fri: Anything I can find time for!

I forgot how crazy things get the week before a seminar. It's probably worse this time, too, because I'm not only presenting but hosting the thing! Regardless, I'm really looking forward to it. After I finish this one up, I hope it won't feel like I'm reinventing the wheel in the future.

Stay strong

EDIT: Almost forgot to add this...I went on the Warp Speed diet a few weeks ago and dropped from 220 to 210 in two weeks. I'm going to run it again this week and next to see if I can get down to the low 200's. The only day I plan to stray up until then is Saturday night; after the seminar, I'm eating a damn steak! I'll keep you posted on the diet progress as well. - MR

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday 5/7

Wednesday 5/7

Upper body horizontal push/pull

Inside-Out Warm-up

Bench Press, 3x5@205

Still weak, but getting stronger. I also have to remember that I'm using a much narrower grip than before. I used to use a pointer finger on the power ring grip, now I'm using a pinky on the power ring grip. Much different than before.

DB Rows, 3x5@100

I think I've just about peaked out on these for now. New exercise next week.

Feet Elevated Push-ups, 2x10

I've been getting a lot of push-ups in at Krav Maga, so I'm gearing back a bit here.

Face Pulls, 3x8@50

Ab Wheel Rollouts, 3x8

Anterior core is getting much stronger. Lose a little bit more body fat = more abs.

If I could get a tan, that would help, too ;)

Stay strong

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Saturday 5/3 and Monday 5/5

Saturday 5/3

Vertical push/pull workout

Inside-Out Warm-up

Band assisted chins, 3x6

Didn't really feel like pushing these today. Plus, I get better depression when using the bands versus bodyweight. I can't wait until these get easier!!!

BB Military, 8x110, 2x8@120

Getting stronger. Slowly.

Skullcrushers, 2x6@95

Bent Over Face Pulls, 2x10@25

In and out in about 30 minutes. This is quickly becoming my favorite workout for that reason alone ;)

Monday 5/5

I was supposed to do a low body workout this morning, but I've had some slight irritation in the knee so I canned it. However, this had led me to remember that almost nothing irritates my knee except for deep front squats, probably d/t the increased knee flexion and dorsiflexion at the ankle. If I would just be smart and remember this, life would be easier.

I did hit a Krav Maga class last night. Other than getting beat to hell by my partner (who obviously didn't understand the concept of "control") it was fine. My respect continues to grow for the MMA guys, as I caught a knee in the eye socket yesterday. Ouch.

Upper body session tomorrow AM.

Stay strong

Friday, May 2, 2008

Training 4/30 and 5/1

Wednesday 4/30

Upper body session

Inside-Out Warm-up

Bench Press, 3x6@195

Still very weak - less weak than last week, though ;) Pec feels good.

DB Rows, 3x6@95

Feet Elevated Push-ups, 2x10

Face Pulls, 3x10

Ab Wheel Rollouts, 3x8

Good workout overall, and I'm really liking the new anterior core work. I've got some good ideas on the topic that I'll be discussing in May, too.

Thursday 5/1

Krav Maga bag class - 1 hour

Another killer. I feel like my round kicks are getting better now, though, so that's always a good thing.

I was supposed to train today but I'm feeling a little under the weather. Several early mornings in a row, not enough sleep, and a lot of things going on will do that to you. I'm going to try and get in a quick vertical push/pull workout tomorrow morning.

Stay strong