Tuesday, April 22, 2008


As you can all tell, I'm a little behind on my write-ups. Here's what I've done over the course of the past week:

Tuesday - 4/15
Upper body day

Inside-Out Warm-up

Multi-grip chins (pronated, neutral, supinated) - 6 reps each position

Amazing how losing body fat makes chins a little easier ;)

BB Overhead Press, 8x95, 2x8@115

Been a while, here, but it didn't feel bad for my first day back with a BB.

DB Rows, 3x6@85

I was a little bit more tired that an expected at this point, so I didn't go all out. Nice, clean reps though.

Push-ups, 3x10

Same as above

DB Fly Eqi, 60 seconds

Pallof Presses, 2x30 sec. w/20#

I was surprised by the Pallof Presses - they don't look that bad, but I was sore for 3 days afterwards!

Krav Maga class that night, 1 hour


Thursday, April 17th
Lower body day

M2 Warm-up

Intrinsic Hip Circuit

Speed Pulls, 3x3@315

Nothing too special here, just getting back in the groove.

Good Mornings, 5@225, 5@245

These felt surprisingly good. I will go up again this week.

DB Lunges, 3x8@50#'s

Single Leg RDL's, 2x8@50#'s

1 hour Krav Maga class that night.

Even though I didn't get my fourth strength training session in this week, I was down to 207 bodyweight and got in 5 training sessions in four days. Overall, I was quite pleased.

The unfortunate down side to this was that I put on a few pounds over the weekend, and missed my Monday lower body workout d/t sheer exhaustion. I was totally wiped out after the weekend, and took the morning off. I did hit my Krav Maga class last night, and I'll get in my upper body session tomorrow.

Stay strong