Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Training 6/25

Upper Body

Inside-Out Warm-up

Fat Boy Pull-ups, 3x10

Mini-band resisted push-ups, 3x10

Face Pulls, 3x10 (60, 70, 80?)

Rope Pressdowns, 15x70, 12x80, 12x90

Prone Low Trap Y's, 3x10

Split Stance Push, 3x10 w/40#

Good workout overall. Body is feeling reasonably good, and I like having the cable crossover in the gym. If nothing else, it gives me another option for weighted core work.

Stay strong

Monday, June 23, 2008

Training 6/23

A little behind with all these, but last week was crazy. Here's today's workout:

Foam Rolling, Stick and tennis ball work - Entire lower body

M2 Warm-up

Hip Circuit

Front Squats, 3x135, 3x185

Back Squats, 5x225, 5x275

RDL's, 2x5 w/245

DB Reverse Lunges, 2x8 w/50's

Tall Kneeling Cable Chop, 3x8 w/ 40

KB Swings, 2x15

Today was a really good workout overall. Movement quality was where I wanted it to be.

Stay strong

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I've been slacking...

On my training blog lately - sorry!

Last week wasn't too exciting, and I can't remember all my weights off the top of my head. The general structure looked like this:

Tuesday - Lower body
Wednesday - Upper body
Thursday - Krav Maga bag class
Saturday - Speed pulls, good mornings etc.

This week has been a little scattered, too, especially with my buddy coming in to town from LA on Friday.

Here's yesterday's workout:

Magnificent Mobility warm-up

Intrinsic hip circuit

Front Squat warm-up to 12" box, 135x5, 185x3

Back Squats to 16" box, 2x5 w/225, 315x1

I'm going to start incorporating front squats in as a warm-up to help maintain good hip mobility and trunk stiffness.

The back squats didn't feel bad, just heavy. I need to get used to having some heavy iron on my back.

RDL's, 2x5 w/225

Low back was a little stiff so I didn't push this too much.

Bulgarian Split Squat EQI, 30 seconds each side

Here's my tenative game plan for the rest of the week:

Thursday - Upper body workout (AM) and Krav bag class (PM)
Friday - 18 holes of golfing fun
Saturday - Mixed upper/lower workout

Stay strong

Monday, June 9, 2008

Training 6/6

Lower body workout

Magnificent Mobility warm-up

Speed Pulls, 3x1 w/365

Commerical gym workout with a nasty bar and no chalk. Technique was good but had to really focus on the grip.

Good Mornings, 5x225, 5x245

Felt really good - will go up again this week.

Bulgarian Split Squats, 2x6 w/40's

Needed to get in and out fast, so this did the trick.

Worked on the gym all day Saturday, so no 2nd upper body session this week. I'll hit a Krav Maga class tonight, then squat day tomorrow. This best day for me this week will be when I cancel my membership to the commerical gym - woo hoo!

Stay strong

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Training 6/4

Upper body workout

Inside-Out Warm-up

DB Incline, 6x75's, 80's, and 85's

Getting stronger here, but I think I'm done w/the incline bench for a while.

Supine Rows, 2x6, 5x190

Ditto here - I'm done with this exercise for a bit.

Close Grip Bench, 2x5@185

Getting back in the groove here and want to start getting some lockout strength back.

Cable Curls, 2x8@50

After this week no more cables for a while - figured I would enjoy it while I could!

Overall a good workout. Bodyweight is staying steady around 205/206 even with the re-introduction of more carbs back into the diet. Feeling good.

Stay strong

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Training from 5-30 to 6-3

Training has been sporadic with the new gym coming together and trying to tie up a bunch of loose ends. Here's what I've done this past couple of days:

Friday 5/30 - Lower body workout

Magnificent Mobility warm-up

Speed Pulls, 3x2@315

Good Mornings, 2x5@225

Bulgarian Split Squats, 3x6@30's or 35's (can't remember!)

Dead Bugs, 3x8

Monday 6/2 - Krav Maga class

Beat the sh*t out of my forearms blocking strikes - my left arm is still swollen!

Tuesday 6/3 - Lower body workout

Magnificent Mobility warm-up

Box Squats to 16 or 17" box, 2x5@225

These felt pretty good - I'm working on sitting back more, forcing my chest out, and not allowing any movement at the lumbar spine/sacrum. I'll slowly work my way down like I did with the front squats.

RDL's, 6@225, 6@245

DB Lunges
, 2x8@40

I hate the commercial gym - we take possession of our gym this Friday, so I'm ready to get going!!!

Stay strong