Thursday, August 14, 2008

Training blog back in action...

So the training blog is back in action - because, well, I'm actually training again. Which helps ;)

Over the course of my vacation I got 2 lifts in, but was definitely quite "active" overall. Tons of walking, hiking, etc. Last week was somewhat sporadic with the move and the gym opening, but this week I've gotten back in the swing of things. Here are the workouts thus far:

Tuesday - Lower body

Deadlifts, 3x3 w/315#

Grooving some technique this week and I'll jump up next week.

Safety Bar Good Mornings, 2x5 w/90 (plus whatever that bar weighs)

I didn't like the eccentric on these, so I may do them off pins next week. It was weird, but something just felt "off."

I then played around with some single-leg stuff.

Ab Whell Rollouts, 3x8

Quick and dirty workout; felt good to move around and get back in the swing of things.

Thursday - Upper body

Mini-band assisted chin-ups, 4x5

Working on getting those low traps strong - felt pretty good.

Mini-band resisted push-ups, 3x8

Good stuff here - felt good.

Face Pulls, 8x70, 2x8 w/80

BB Curls, 3x8 w/65#

(I was told that since I'm a gym owner know I need to have some big gunz - whatever).

KB Swings, 3x10

I was going to do more here, but got caught up in watching my guy push the Prowler. It's always easier to watch someone workout than do it yourself!

Split Stance Cable Push, 2x8 w/50, 8x60

Stay strong